kanata estate planning lawyerOur big moving week here at Neff Lafreniere Estate Law has finally arrived. We couldn’t be more excited. Beginning May 1, we will work out of our new space at 120 Iber Road, Suite 107. This is just a few blocks away from our current location. Although our address will change, all of our other contact information will remain the same.
Our predecessor law firm, Neff Law Office, moved to our current location in the Stittsville/Kanata area of Ottawa in 2001. Since that time, we have made countless fond memories of time spent meeting with clients and building our knowledge and experience in the areas of wills and estates. We can’t wait to continue this tradition in our new space.
Of course with every move comes a ‘to-do’ list which seems to be a mile long and growing by the minute. Notifying service providers, ordering new office equipment, deciding what to take and what to leave behind are just some of the many tasks to be checked off the list.
As we go through our to-do list, we are reminded that the executors (also called estate trustees) that we meet with are faced with an equally daunting to-do list as they begin their duties as an executor. Many find the list of initial tasks to be completed quite overwhelming. Here are just some of the initial tasks to be completed by an executor:

  • Make proper funeral and burial arrangements, and pay funeral expenses,
  • Make a thorough search for a Will,
  • If no Will, meet with solicitor to discuss applying for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee Without a Will,
    In consultation with a tax professional, if prior year income tax returns were not filed, file (or arranged to have filed) income tax returns for year of death and for all prior years which are due but were not filed at the date of death,
  • Determine, locate, and notify beneficiaries of their interest,
  • Determine, secure, and protect assets,
  • Dispose of all perishables,
  • Open estate bank account,
  • Review insurance coverage and ensure estate assets are covered against fire and other perils,
  • Make provision for the immediate needs of deceased’s spouse and any other dependents of the deceased,
  • Collect income generated by the estate assets or payable to the deceased,
  • Pay bills, mortgages, insurance premiums, credit cards,
  • Re-direct mail,
  • Cancel email accounts and, if possible, locate and shut down social media and other online accounts of the deceased, and
  • Cancel health insurance coverage, driver’s license, cable, telephone, club memberships, subscriptions, credit cards and obtain any refunds where appropriate.

Seems overwhelming, right? And those are just some of the initial tasks that must be done. Add the fact that the above list is by no means exhaustive. The deceased’s specific assets and circumstances will dictate other tasks that an executor must also see to.
What is key for any executor is knowing where to go for help. If you are an executor, whether just beginning the role or already acting, call 613.836.9915 or email [email protected] to make an appointment to meet with me. We will review what tasks need to be completed and thoroughly explain your duties and responsibilities as an executor. Let us put our experience to work for you and help make the job as executor go as smoothly as possible.
Reproduction of this blog is permitted if the author is credited.  If you have questions or if you would like more information, please call us at 613 836-9915. This blog is not intended to be legal advice but contains general information.  Please consult a lawyer or other professional to determine how the information in this blog might apply to you.

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Suite 10, 737 Silver Seven Road, Kanata Ontario K2V 0H3

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(613) 836-9915